Friday, June 30, 2006
  Brooding over Brandon Routh
- Wishing That I was Lois Lane-

Aint Routh such a dreamboat? Like a handsome Greek God.

  Alien can be cute
I just have to write this down. And Fast! Brandon Routh is one hot-blooded dreamboat. Looking at him makes me appreciate God's creation of the perfect male. Apparently, God must have been in a wonderful mood when he created Routh. Yes, Mr Superman is soooo gorgeous that I was swooning and gawking at him shamelessly half of the time in the movie theater. The plot was quite typical; superhero-saving-the-world-from-great evil and superhero-in love-but-he-cannot-do-anything-about-it-because-he-is-a-superhero. However, whenever Routh aka Superman came into the scene, the plot get more interesting and exciting. From my perspective, Routh is THE eye-candy of the movie not Kate Bosworth (though she is still a babe). Sigh..... I am going to catch the movie again and again and again and again and again.
On a more realistic note, I just received my special semester result. OMG. To my delight, I had obtained an A for Singapore society. Sweet. And the CAP jumped by 6 point. Whoa.. Should have taken semester 4 too and maybe, I do not have to slough my way through honours year. Finally, things are looking quite cheerful after all these years in NUS :)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
  I Love and I Hate
This may seem weird and idiotic, but I just discovered how fascinating Adobe Photoshop is! Its weird because that program was already installed in my laptop for a very long period of time and yet, I did not even bother to learn how to use it. Till at this present point in time, when I decided to take up some new IT skills since its the holidays. I had fun experimenting with the various tools and trying to create a collage which turned out to be quite gross. Am thinking of doing a new one since I have the time today. If it turns out beautiful, I will upload it here.Tinggling around with the Photoshop is my new adoration!
On the other side of the spectrum, I just HATE mosquitoes! Yes, I know. There is no absolute link or relation between Photoshop and mosquitoes but boy, arent mosquitoes the most annoying insects ever existed?! They disturbed you while you are in dreamland by inserting their contaminated stings in the skin and sucking the blood without feeling any slightest tinge of guilt. They may also deliberately buzz around in order to wake you up. Worst of all, you will wake up with dozens of blotches of red marks which are ugly and very itchy. People may think that you went trekking recently, with the numerous mosquito bites as true evidence. However, you know better. It is due to that fact that the night before, you were experiencing the "attack of the mosquitoes!"Argghhhh!!! I detest mosquitoes! And so, I decided to wage a war against them. Revenge is sinful but sweet. -Wicked grin-
Monday, June 26, 2006
  English oh English
Monday. The fresh start of another week. Some people may beg to differ with me as they rather view Sunday as the first day of the week. Not me.
"Work for five days and rest for two days". That should be the more organized and realistic way.
I stayed at home the whole day yesterday. It was a slow and sleepy Sunday. Finished reading the novel. Updated the blog which I had not been doing so for past weeks. Checked the email. Flipped through the dictionary for new words. Yes, I know. Mundane stuffs.
Managed to catch up with some friends over the cyberworld yesterday. Surprisingly, many of them were online on a snoozy Sunday afternoon.
Today. The Monday. Grudgingly going to settle the administration items needed for the LBKM application. Maybe I am going to borrow a book on English Grammar. There is an urgent need to polish up my English Language before school starts. When I tell people the intention of improving my English, they were giving me sheepish looks and odd remarks. "Your English is not that baaaaad!" "You have survived three years in NUS doing arts so what is the problem here?"
Urmmm.. point one; 'not bad' equates to 'not good enough'. Point two; if I ever want to write as a career, I need to have excellent English. Point three; most of my essays obtained the same remarks from the dearest professors:"Good content, extensive research. However, there is a need to take particular attention of the grammatical errors." Sheeeshhh..... Rather embarassing especially since I am already an undergrad for three bloody years.
"In conclusion", there is a need to polish up my grammar rules which I have long abandoned ever since secondary schools.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It has been some time since I last wrote in. Not sure why. Maybe I was too caught up with things. Special semester ended off with a high note. Gotten an A for my bullshitting-but-convincing essay and the exam was fine. Not easy tho but just fine. Haha...
I went to KL for a retreat with the usual group of people-the extended family. Although we did not get to do much activities, it was quite fun. We stayed at PNB suite for the whole of four days. It was after all quite a sweet experience as it felt like living in a real condominium apartment in the heart of the city area with a magnificient view of the KL landscape, especially during the sunsets. The kids were the mobile stereos of the family as their music can be heard practically 24/7 and from every corner of the apartment. Basically, I spend my time reading the newly-bought Kinokuniya novel, watching tv, eating at the huge dining room with the favourite cousins and just prancing around with the kids.
We went to Genting on the second day. Did not enter the outdoor theme park. The scene of rotating rollercoasters, towering topguns, swinderling slides and the vast geographical landscape which assured promises of pure fun certainly allured us. We looked mournfully at the park and turned dejectedly away. The weather in Genting was cold and cloudy. It is a far cry from the hot and humid weather back in Kl which is also smothered by pollution and smog. The cable car ride was fantastic. It was a good twenty minutes ride. The view was splendid and with every increase in latitude, the vision was obstructed by huge cotton clouds. It felt as if we were in a Narnia world. Cool.
Our days in Kl were spend eating chicken and more chicken; Overpriced KFC in Genting, Hertz Chicken Buffet in Times Square and Chicken kebabs in KLCC. And not forgetting, Burger Ramly! Whoa.. these Malaysians certainly have an innate skill in cooking the best, the juiciest and the tastiest Ramly burgers! I never grew tired of eating them and it certainly helps that these blissful burgers are cheap! Sigh.. writing about it now makes me hungry.
Oh dear.. I sounded like a greedy-obese-Ramly Burger fanatic! Gosh... need to watch my diet now. More gym trips too.
Oh yes.. I need to mention this. I drove three-quater up to KL. Quite a personal achievement for a young lady who rarely drives because she cannot be bothered and rather be driven. Maybe this attitude will alter once when I do buy a car for myself. One fine day.....
Back to Singapore. Back to the pragmatic way of life. Back to facing the bitter and mundane life. Ho-hum... Luckily holidays is still one-month long. I am dreading honours year. It will be filled with endless readings, competitive coursemates for friends, long discussion with lecturers and of course, long dwindling hours in the freezing NUS Central library. If I cannot obtain any decent job next year after graduation, I should knock my head against the wall. Real hard.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
We had a mini bdae celebration for Dilla today at Marina. It was just a small, sweet affair. Dilla wasn't really that surprised and the chocolate cake actually had melted! haha.. Anyway, it was a good day spending time with the girls. One thing for sure, we can really chat very well for a long time when we meet up. It seems to me that we seriously have a lot of things to say, to complain about, to criticize and to discuss. I remembered the time when we were at the Kaya Toast coffee shop. We spent nearly three hours of non-stop chatting. And it is not exactly the "Girl Talk". I wonder how long will that take if we seriously do engage in the "Girl Talk." Hmm.....
Went to meet baby dear after that. I am so sorry dear. The night was not that fanatstic for us since we were walking mindlessly around searching for that bloody spectacles shop. Sigh.. Should have gone for that ikan bakar treat. Never mind. At least we had our dosage of fun on saturday!
Sometimes I wonder whether am I really that self-centered? Should start looking around and be more receptive and sensitive to other people. I can be too ignorant and oblivious. Awful. Need to kick off this bad behaviour if I ever want to be a good employee in the near future.
In some weird instances, I feel that I simply cannot be satisfied with what I have. This can be good and bad at the same time. On a bad note, it makes me a less happier person. I should be grateful with the good things in my life. I should thank God for giving me this good life although it is not perfect. Maybe its time for me to engage in religious classes. Hopefully by doing so, I will be a more pious daughter (not that I am not! but there is always room for improvement) and be a contented individual. Should start calling Baizura to be my religious class partner. hee..
Going to the gym tomorrow with the lovely girls. There is an urgent need to vent off all those negative thoughts and anger at the threadmill tomorrow. And btw, I did my revision for today.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Happy 24th Birthday my darling Baby! We had a ball of fun celebrating his birthday yesterday. The day started off with a lunch at the Straits Kitchen. We were late since I could not wake up earlier due to the late night at Mustafa (sheesh) and thus, did not have much time to try all the dishes. The Indian food looked delicious. It was just too bad that I wasn't feeling hungry enough. Nevertheless, Baby had a wonderful time eating and since it was his birthday treat, the lunch was not a waste after all. After that fruitful lunch (for him, anyway) we headed off to Lido to catch the "Silent Hill". The movie was quite interesting at first but after a while, the plot became more complicated. It turned out that the movie is actually based on a famous video game and yeah, being the video game idiot I did not know about it until I googled. The day ended off with a mini birthday celebration in the car. I bought a photo cake for his birthday. I simply could not erased his genuinely surprised look when he saw the cake, from my mind. The whole day was a pure bliss. We took loads of picture; of each other, of the cake and of the presents. Sweeet memories.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Yesterday was a fun day at east coast. I was real late for meeting with my boyfriend. He was pissed but not for long.. hehehe.. We were supposed to be heading for Sentosa but decided to change the course of our jouney to East Coast instead. Actually, I was in a lazy mode and did not feel like engaging in strenous activity. However, the beautiful beach weather changed my mind and we headed straight for the bicycle kiosk. We had a ball of time cycling for two hours from east coast all the way to Changi beach and back. It was one fireball of fun! It has been a long, long time since I last cycled. I realised that I need to take up a new sport. I am beginning to feel rather dull with the daily routine of life: Study, watch movies, dinners and lunches with friends and boyfriend, watch tv, read and even shop! I mean seriously, life is only once. We should engage and experience a variety of activities! Hehe.. Now my mind is lured away by the thought of taking up rollerblading as a new sport. Actually, I had tried rollerblading before- when I was a twelve year old girl! It has been years since then. I am thinking of taking rollerblading seriously besides going to gym to stay in shape. Sigh! The sudden urge to buy rollerblades is so damn strong! I cant help surfing the web for good deals and yeah... blades just have to be expensive. Just my luck!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
What a relief! Finally the mundane task of writing the sociology paper is over! It is quite an amazament of how my skill of crapping has been sharpened during Uni life. Twelve pages of pure nonsense plus two pages of bibliography and an annex page in a matter of three days. Unbelievable. Hopefully, my so-called "direct observations" and "survey" sounded convincing enough if not.. well.. let us not think about the grave consequences. Anyway the topic is something which is closed to my heart-shopping. Haha.. I did had a rather blissful experience of writing the the essay. Next, need to focus on the upcoming exam - Ayuni with the glint of determination in her eyes which does not last for long-

I am thinking of going to shop again. Do not ask me why. I just have the urge to hunt for the good bargains in the midst of the horrible throngs of people. Need to satisfy this consumerist desire which is exceptionally profound especially during this GSS season. (Pss.. hopefully, my boyfriend will not read this. If not.. *shakes head*)

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She reads, writes, blogs, snaps pictures, shops, twiddles her laptop, drives.

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