Saturday, January 20, 2007
It has been ages since my last post. I think I should start writing something since some girlfriends of mine have been complaining. Im feeling a bit lazy today. Had a good time with my favourite girlfriends and Mathias, shesha-ing away yesterday night. Went home and was dead to the world till this morning.
Wait.. Im feeling awfully lazy now. How pathetic. I dont feel like writing a long post today so let me write some top-10 list to compensate my laziness.
here it is...
let me see.....

"Top 10 reasons why you must visit Ayuni's hostel room"

1. Its at Prince George's Park Residence- the best residence and one of the newest in NUS
2. Its like living in condominium
3. Many facilities- tennis courts, jogging tracks, basketball courts, a mart, numerous function rooms, food court, a restaurant and even BBQ pits.
4. They sell really delicious chocolate waffles. Dont trust me? Ask Intan! The chocolate tastes like Hershey's. Yummy...
5. My room can be used as a storage room. So if people want to offload their stuffs, they are most willing to do so, provided they are good and loyal friends of Ayuni's. Hehe...
6. Free parking! Yes I know. This would only entice those who are lucky and rich enough to own cars.
7. Girls! If you are into ang mohs, this is the place for you! These international students are practically everywhere in PGPR. Heck, I just saw a group of bare-bodied caucasian guys chilling near my block with their bicycles beside them. Simply hot.
8. As for the guys, dont worry. There are many female international students too! At the moment, Im living with one. She is from Manchester and she is really adorable with blonde hair and blue eyes. Any takers?
9. My room! Hehehehe.... Its perfectly pink and cozy.
10. Me. But of course. I would make your short trip to PGPR a wondrously pleasant experience. Haha....

Thats it for today. Tata...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I need to make a declaration to the vast cyberworld....

I LOVE my blog!

If people out there have some snide remarks regarding my blog, please oh please dont read it!
  My first day?
My first day of school? Well, it was fantastic although the day started off slowly. Our first International Law and Institutions session was a rather dull one since the German lecturer talked while the rest of us just sat there and listen. Looks like the module would be touching on very technical aspects which I think would be rather dry. But heck, I dont really give a damn since this would be my last semester in NUS. Am more concern about what lies ahead after graduate actually.
Nonetheless, I had a good time hanging out with friends whom I havent been meeting for quite some time. Ainie showed me her Turkey pictures and her ehem-ehem, Turkish guy. Hehe.... Grab him babe! Im very sure you would have beautiful babies with him. After that, I spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out with my most favourite ladies-Intan and Dhilla! We wasted the day away with endless laughters and mindless topics of conversation which I truly enjoyed indulged in. Girls! Do come to my room@PGPR soon! hehehe.....

Something happened to me while I was in the library. I was doing research for our Harvard paper when suddenly, this awfully nerdy looking guy came up to me. At that point in time, Dhilla and Intan had already went home and I was all alone, searching for references at the PC on the third floor of the Central Library. "Excuse me, sorry to disturb you," said a timid voice. I looked up from the PC. I was mildly irritated as I was in the midst of trying to find a suitable book on African tribes. In front of me was this pale and thin Chinese guy. He was wearing those huge spectacles and wrinkled pants with oversized yellow shirt. He carried a backpack and a plastic bag in one hand with god-knows what was inside. "Hmmm... maybe he wanted to ask for directions." I thought to myself. He looked like a newbie who hailed from the mainland China. "Are you looking for a long term, romantic relationship?" he asked in a meek voice. I frowned. What the....... I stopped and turned to face him. "NO," I said in a curt pissed off tone of voice. I turned back to what I was doing. "Sorry," he apologied before walking away quickly. My mind was in a whirlwind. What the hell had happened???? I mean, What was he thinking???!!!! Jeez... do I look sooo pathetic and desperate that a China, geeky guy thought that I need him in my life?? WTF!
Okay that was sooo ridiculous. Cant believe I spend ten minutes writing about it. Sheesh.....
Monday, January 08, 2007
Hello people! Its been nearly a week ever since I last wrote in. Been busy with goodness knows what! There were Harvard things which needed to be iron out and of course, my moving in to PGPR. Lessons are starting tomorrow morning at 9am. I will be an official resident of PGP from tomorrow onwards. I spend the whole weekend straightening out the room and it looks better now. Everything seems to be in pink. Pink bedspread, pink pillows, pink towels, pink broom and dustpan, pink mini-trash container. Sheesh...

My family helped me to move in today. Gosh... I never realise how huge my wardrobe is, till now. I squeezed all my day clothes in this large duffel bag and guess what, my wardobe still look pretty full. Seriously need to stop buying clothes because I tend not to wear most of the clothes after a couple of months only. Hell, some still have tags on. They would usually ended up in my sister's wardrobe. Urgh... Not too proud of this habit of mine. Mum was amazingly a great help as she helped me to buy more stuffs for my room. Nevertheless, she complained that the walk to my room is quite far although she finds the room rather nice. Whew... all settled down and I even have a mini electric kettle in my room!

Hmmmm... will write more next time.
Monday, January 01, 2007
  The ushering of a brand new year
Greetings! First and foremost, a very wonderful happy new year to all!

I just got back from witnessing the huge fireworks display at the Esplanade. It was an ultimate brilliant one. Imagine swirls of colourful and lucent man-made auroras lighting up the dark sky. A perfect beauty. We were so excited that we were shouting at the top of our lungs throughout the whole enchanting episode. I took a video of the display with my motorola V3x which sadly to say, may not be that sharp. Am going to show it to Darling who was tucked away in some friend's house, playing video games and being oblivious to his surrounding environment during the countdown.

Hmmm.... Let me ponder about the past and the future...
Well, 2006 had been an exciting although not as eventful as i hoped it would had been. When I mentioned 'eventful', it certainly implied to sweet experiences not those bitter ones. I wonder what 2007 has in store for me. Rounding up...
1) Last semester in NUS. Am I going to miss the school that has been a part of me for the last four years? Hmmmm.....
2) Becoming a PGPR hostelite. Will be interesting to live in a place full of international students from all over the globe. Or maybe not?
3) HNMUN Boston trip. My first visit to States. Cant wait.
4) Career. Jittery issue. period
5) Graduation ceremony. The Grand Finale of a chapter in my life as a student.
6) Travel? To Europe?? I wish.

Quite a list I have there. Oh yes, I have to admit that I cant be bother about new year resolutions anymore because I often forget all about them by the time we reach the month of June. So yes, dont bother.

In conclusion? No conclusion as we need to wait until the end of 2007! Yes, what a lame answer.

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She reads, writes, blogs, snaps pictures, shops, twiddles her laptop, drives.

May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007

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GUESS handbag
Nine West Heels
MANGO and ZARA sales!
Escada Summer
PrettyFit shoes
Digi Camera
Kinokuniya Books
Motorola V3X
A new suit
Winter coat
Formal Office-wear blouses and pants
Winter wear accessories
A webcam
A new battery for my laptop
HNMUN States trip
Shopping in New York